Tuesday 2 July 2013

Dave & Babs go to the seaside... And didn't they have a wonderful time!

This card was stamped using only Clarity stamps: Shell Cluster, Lighthouse, Seagull, Boat, Curved Street.  I used the Letter Box 'squares' for the nautical flags (that read Clarity Stamps) its been a while since I did my day skipper course... But the wonders of the internet helped jog the old brain cells
On the other hand 'Barbara and Dave', who are sat comfortably on their deck chairs were hand drawn.  

Fingers crossed, I might even make it to the seaside at least once this year!


  1. This is great Amanda, reminds me of a "cheeky style" postcard, great job! Good luck with the challenge xx

  2. Fab card Amanda, so much going on - just like a busy seaside. Good luck in the challenge x

  3. Great card Amanda and what a good use of the letterbox squares. Dave and Barbara on the other hand are ace I can just see them there. Barb on her Ipad and Dave dozing off lolxx

  4. Thank you all so very much for the fab feedback... I was chuckling all the way through making it!

  5. Wow you were quick of the mark Amanda!! Love this bright n cheerful and the Letterbox flag bunting is awesome! Good Luck!!

  6. What a lovely and bright card Amanda and I agree with Rae...you were very quick of the mark. Good luck for this months challenge x

  7. Thank you all... I had the stamps and the idea came to me in a flash; remembering the classroom Barbara did when she'd visited the seaside (Hunstanton I think). It still makes me smile!

  8. What a great card Mandy! I love the flags...very clever and the characters you have drawn...really great! I can just imagine it to be Barbara and Dave! And that cheeky seagull is there again!!! Good Luck with the challenge! xx

  9. Very Lovely X Good Luck in the Challenge

  10. Fabulous card. Love it. So interesting and cheerful.
    Love Lynn.x

  11. Love this design. x

  12. Thank you very much for all your kind words x

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Congratulations chick for being the Clarity winner xxxx

  15. Congratulations Amanda, very well done x

  16. Thank you all... I can't believe it! I never get drawn out! Lol... Excellent! Now I can get those stencils I've been after xxx
