Wednesday 5 February 2014

Tuesday, 4th February 2014

Firstly, please accept my apologies... We didn't take a lot of photos today, we were far too busy and it was far too cold to take your gloves off! But we did take a couple! 

Grum done so well, back on skis again, we decided it was time to play on Peak 10; the steeps!  It really is wonderful skiing with him again!  We've spent years skiing/snowboarding on the same slopes, but there really is something quite magical skiing together! 

Some people ask us why we come all this way when we have the Alps on our doorstep... I always answer the wide open treelined pistes and the Champagne powder snow (not to mention the lack of lift queues!).  

After our blast around the mountain, we thought we'd do a little craft shop hunting... Well! Lol! We found one tiny craft shop and a deightful art supply shop, both sadly lacking in the finer things in life... No Tim Holtz any place!! 

I love walking around Breck, you come across some wonderful sculptures! 

This one is called Lean on Me!  

Oh, I did find a mini scrap book and a black graphic pen!  So, before dinner a quick doodle was called for! 

Or maybe two! Lol! 

Time for dinner, Grum took me for cocktails... In a jar!  Blooming tasty tho! 

Thank you for popping over to see my little bit of heaven! 

Please come again!  Have a nice day! 

Love Mandy xx


  1. Oh lol looks like you are having a fab time. And alcohol is good whatever its in. Jar, cup, bottle, get the drift xx

    1. Rightoh Linda! I'll give them all a try! Lol. I had a drink last night in a copper tankard! Strange folk here!

  2. Just carry on having fun out there, Mandy. I reckon you have got the better weather. It is forecast to get even worse over here. Lovely doodles. xx Maggie

    1. Will do Maggie! Hope the weather improves for you soon! And thank you xxx

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