Thursday 6 February 2014

Wednesday, 5th February 2014 - a whole week!

Would you believe it, a whole week has gone by since we arrived at Breck!  Such a lot has changed in the way that Grum and I enjoy the mountain!  We used to hit it hard, and all day, with Grum on his snowboard and me on my skis.  Since those early days, we've slowed down a little... Well, in parts, and now instead of skiing all holiday, we now enjoy a holiday where we ski... We love it! 

However, today we were going to have a holiday day where we'd just go for a couple of runs and then go get some groceries in... Didn't quite work that way! Lol!  Once up the mountain we didn't want to get off, so we didn't!  

You'll notice a lack of photos too! Sorry!  The air temperature was the coldest its been since we arrived... I just didn't want to take my gloves off... Maybe next year we'll have a helmetcam! 

The wind picked up in the afternoon but it didn't detract from the fun we were having!  Can you believe in just a couple of days back on skis Grum attacked a mogul field!  What's one of them you ask...

Bumpy! LOL!  Want a challenge in your day, go check out your nearest! You know, for me it was great to come down the moguls, I do love a challenge!  I managed to beat my record of three bumps and then stopping (or falling over) to five... That's a whole sting of the bumpy little blighters, before stopping! I'll be going for seven next!  

Having spent all that energy it was time for another well deserved hot tub! It struck me as a very strange past-time... There I stood in my cozzi, way below freezing temperatures, people on the slopes to the side of me all wrapped up in their warmest kit! WT??? But it is great and my tan is coming on a treat! 

Guess we'll have to do the shopping tomorrow! 

Thanks for popping by, and don't forget to challenge yourself (doesn't have to be moguls) the satisfaction of trying is amazing! 

Love Mandy xxx

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